I love my fans and I want to prove it to you! I want to print your artwork in the next issue of Shadows of Oblivion.
Your art can be any character from Shadows of Oblivion, any artistic interpretation, and any art style. Everything will be accepted! Are you a pen & ink kind of artist? Or a CG 3D modeler? Or a Cosplayer? Or a sculpter? It doesn’t matter, however you like to make art is what I want to see! The winner will have their artwork featured in Shadows of Oblivion #2, and also get your very own copy of the special edition, custom personalized sketch, and exclusive print!
So here are the rules and how to submit!
Since the winning artwork is going to be printed it’s very important that you follow the submission guidelines. Anything that does not meet these guidelines will be disqualified.
- A low res (72dpi) version of the artwork must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on January 13th 2013 to be eligible. Submissions can be emailed to fanart@shawnmccauley.com. In the email give me Your name, and/or nickname (however you wish to be credited.) As well as the web site people can see more of your work. (Your official site, Deviant Art, Tumblr, Facebook. Wherever you’d like.)
- Artwork must be of characters from Shadows of Oblivion. I know it’s tempting to insert your own original character or another character from another comic, but it creates a copyright nightmare and I won’t be able to use it for the comic.
- Artwork must be 7 inches wide by 10.5 inches tall. Trim area must be 6.75 inches wide by 10.25 inches tall. The live area is 6.25 inches by 9.75 inches. If you do not know what this means, or you need a template, you can download it here: COMIC TEMPLATE
- Final artwork must be at a resolution of AT LEAST 300 dpi so when it’s printed it looks professional. Artwork must be scanned in, or created at this resolution. If you scan your drawing in at 72 dpi and then upscale it, the art will not be printable. Create the artwork at 300 dpi, then create a copy of the file at 72 dpi to email to me. If you are the winner you’ll be asked to send me the 300 dpi file.
- Artwork must be Black and white, or in Grayscale. No color. Why? Because it is a black and white comic. If you submit colored artwork it will not show up. Why don’t I just convert the artwork from color to black and white? Because usually that conversion makes the artwork look less than stellar. It’s best to create the art in black and white to start.
- If your fan art is going to be a real life 3D object like a sculpture or cosplay, then a photograph of your fan art is what will be printed. Same rules apply with the dimensions, dpi, as well as black and white. (Though if your sculpture or cosplay is in full color, send me the full color photo also so I can appreciate the effort you put into it and maybe feature it on the site.)
- All submissions must be rated PG. This comic isn’t for kids, but it certainly isn’t exclusive to adults, so keep your art appropriate for teenagers and older, but as well as tasteful.
- Multiple submissions will be accepted. If you want to do 3 drawings and a sculpture, all 4 will be accepted, but there will be only one winner.
- All submissions will be posted in the fan art gallery on this website. They also may appear on other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or my blog. The winner’s artwork will appear in print in Shadows of Oblivion #2 as well any re-prints of the issue. It may also appear in any future collections of Shadows of Oblivion. By submitting your artwork to this contest you agree to these terms.
- The winner will be fully credited in both print, digital, and online publication of the art, with their name, nick name (if applicable), and preferred website where people can see more of your art.
- Any questions about the rules, or contest in general, can be sent to fanart@shawnmccauley.com
Good Luck! And I look forward to hearing from all of you!
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