Tutorial Tuesday: New Year Extravaganza!
Happy new year everyone! This is going to be the best year ever! (until 2014)
Since it’s a new year lets do a quick recap of my blog and what it’s all about. I’m a comic book artist. I’m not anyone big and famous but my job is to make comic books. As such I get alot of comments like “I wish I could do what you do, but i can’t because of INSERT EXCUSE HERE. So I built this blog to feature my own comics as well as teach you how to make comics, and show you there are no excuses, ONLY COMICS!
It’s a daily blog, so I break down the week like this:
MONDAY: New page of Shadows of Oblivion (my creator owned comic.)
TUESDAY: Tutorial Tuesday. (I’ll do a drawing tutorial for you.)
WEDNESDAY: New page of Shadows of Oblivion (updates twice a week.)
THURSDAY: No Excuses. (I show you why your excuses are silly, and why you should follow your dreams)
FRIDAY: Artwork! (I just show you other artwork I’ve been working on. Commissions, sketches, etc.)
So today is Tuesday! So that means a tutorial! Well since today is sort of a re-introduction day, instead of showing a new tutorial I’m going to sumerize my past tutorials. As even if some of you have been following me for a while, its easy to have a post get lost in the feed. So visit, read, learn, and draw!
And after you look through them, if there is anything you’d like me to cover in a future tutorial tuesday either leave a comment or send me an email and I’ll work it into a future Tutorial Tuesday!
I have a bunch more tutorials planned for the new year. But If you have requests let me know and I’ll work it into the schedule!
In the meant time follow me around the web:
Like me on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter
Re-blog me on tumblr
And if you love my artwork don’t forget to pick up my comics!
And remember: Make Comics! Not Excuses!
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