Well then looks like you need to do it 21 times then!

Look. I know it’s frustrating. You have this vision in your head of what you want your comic, (or any other creation), to be.  You tried to make it, and it came out all wrong.  So you tried again, and again and again. Every time it comes out wrong. After 20 times you think to yourself, “This isn’t working, I should just give up.”  And you could.  Or maybe your next attempt will be the time it all comes together… but you’ll never know if you give up now.  Success is simply trying one more time than you failed.  Certainly that’s easier said than done, but it’s none the less true.

So lets talk about why things might not be coming out right, and how to fix it.

Is it because the artwork isn’t as good as you’d like?  Well before you make attempt #21 practice your drawing.  Read books on anatomy and perspective. Go to any local art classes where someone can teach you and guide you directly in your art.  Go to coffee shops, parks, or other public areas and draw the people and things you see. Do this for a few months before you make your next attempt. I think you’ll pleasantly enjoy the improvement.

Is the story not as strong as you want it to be?  Well first of all, read more. Read Read Read.  There are alot of people who purposely don’t read books, or comics, or watch movies or TV because they don’t want to be “influenced” by it.  And though there a little bit of logic in there, as you don’t want to inadvertently steal anyone’s ideas, the truth is, it’s all been done already.  The important thing isn’t to tell a new story as much as it is to tell a story in a new and interesting way. Reading both novels and comics books will give you insight on how good stories are crafted.  And in comics, it’ll give you insight on how pacing works, and how the limited media of non-moving pictures without audio can be used to craft brilliant stories.

After You’ve read more you need to write more. Anything. Blogs, Journals, short stories, scripts, anything.  It doesn’t matter if it ever sees the light of day, you just need to write.  This is the equivalent to doing sketches for artists.  All those sketches you do at the coffee shop might not ever be shown to another human being, but it will improve your art.  And same thing with this writing.  The more you do it the better you get.

Okay so you’ve done both these things.  Now make attempt #21.  Did it come out “right?” No?  Well Now you have to be realistic and honest with yourself. Is it not coming out right because you still have more practice to do?  Or is it because you’ve set an unrealistic bar for yourself to meet?  If it’s the first one then get back to practicing already!  If it’s the second you need to go back and read last week’s “No Excuses” post “My idea isn’t perfect yet.”  If you wait for your idea to be perfect before you put it out there, you’re never going to put it out there. And all the time you’ve wasted waiting for your idea to be perfect could have been used to enjoy success.

If you’ve tried 40 or 50 times now and it’s still coming out wrong there’s one more thing you need to consider.  Is this idea of yours the best use of your skills and strengths?  Now I’m a huge advocate for never giving up, EVER.  However there are times in your life where you have change directions. Sometimes you have to consider that maybe your strengths can be used better doing something else.  For example if you’re trying to write a fictional story and it’s not coming out right, maybe your strength isn’t fiction, try writing about something historical.  Or if you’re trying to draw super realistic people and it looks like crap no matter how much your practice, try stylizing your art into something more exaggerated and/or cartoony.

If you do that, don’t consider it giving up. You’re not. You are finding a new way to get to where you want to go.  Much like if someone was trying to swim up-stream in fast moving river.  They wouldn’t make any progress at all.  But if they got out of the river, and walked up stream along the bank, they’ll get to where they’re going alot faster and easier.  Sure they gave up on trying to swim there, but they didn’t give up on the goal they’re trying to reach, they simply found a different way to get there.

And that’s what you need to do.  If it’s not coming out right, practice and become stronger. But if it’s still not working, try to find a different path to your goals.  There isn’t just one way to success. However there is one way to failure…. and thats through giving up and quitting.

So don’t give up, get stronger, find your path, don’t make excuses, and make comics!

Tomorrow I’ll be announcing the winner of my Fan Art Contest! So tune in for the excitement!

In the mean time check me out around the web!

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And if you love my artwork don’t forget to pick up my comics!

And remember: Make Comics! Not Excuses!