

Last week I was writing the next issue of Shadows of Oblivion and there are alot of panels where characters are just talking.  It’s always challenging to keep panels visually interesting when all that’s happening is talking.  So I had to refer to Wally Wood’s 22 panels that always work, to create interesting panels that weren’t repetitive and borring.

Then It dawned on me.  Most of you who who are following my blog and read my tutorials are very new to making comics. Most of you probably don’t even know who Wally Wood is, let alone his 22 panels.  Which is understandable, as he passed away before I was even born, and I didn’t even know who he was until I started making comics.

So first read up on this fantastic comic creator and illustrator.

Then Study his 22 panels that always work.  Because they do always work.  They’ll make your comic’s much more visually interesting when all people are doing is talking…

Tomorrow is page 19 of Shadows of Oblivion #2. Hope you’re enjoying the adventure!

Until then follow me around the web!

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And if you love my artwork don’t forget to pick up my comics!

And remember: Make Comics! Not Excuses!