Sketchbook cover color


Bioshock Infinite copy Optimus Prime copy Mewtwo copy Grace copy Bender copy Batman Superman copy


The Shadows of Oblivion Sketchbook debuts today! 180 pages featuring over 240 sketches! (six examples you see above here.)

Now If you’re lucky enough to be at Animazement today you can come over to Artist Alley table I-06 and get yourself a copy in person.  I’ll even sign it for you… maybe do a fast sketch in the inside cover if you ask nicely.

If you’re not lucky enough to be in Raleigh this weekend, don’t worry, you can still get your copy of the sketchbook.  It’s currently available at Create Space for $34.99.  Just click on the link:

If you don’t live in the USA, it will be up on Amazon’s UK, Canadian, and European sites soon, but for this weekend it’s up on Create Space to start.

If you like my artwork you’ll like this book, so go get yourself a copy!

(and share this with your friends if you think they’d like it too…)

And as always Make Comics Not Excuses!