What are you doing next weekend: June 20-22?
Do you live in or near Charlotte, North Carolina?
If so you should come to Heroes Con! It is in my top 3 favorite conventions to go to every year! It’s convention dedicated to creators of comics. Everyone from the biggest company creators to the smallest independent guys, The young newbies to the old timers that have helped made this industry what it is. They’re all welcomed and celebrated at this con, and that’s why I love it so much!
I’ll be at table AA-626 this year with the writer of Dalrak the Mighty, Seth Talley. We’ll have our creator owned comics, I’ll have prints and I’ll be doing some commissions. And I’ll have a couple issues of Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #2 off hand if you weren’t able to pick up a copy at your local comic shop.
I hope to see everyone there!
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