For those of you who are new to following my comic, It can get heavy at times. Very serious, intense and sometimes depressing. So at the end of each issue I like to lighten up the mood with a short chibi story. These are non-canon stories that give you a little insight into the characters and world, but are meant for pure fun and not meant to be taken seriously by any means.
This short story was written by myself. I also did the gray tones and the lettering. However the beautiful line art was drawn by a good friend of mine, Brooke Clayton. You should check out her deviant art page at: and show her some love!
I’m going to be taking a few weeks off now. No its not a vacation. I need to take some time to compile the issue and send it to the printer. I also need to get the pages for Issue #2 done so I can start posting again. I’ll also be spending some time writing pitch proposals to publishers and catching up on commissions. So Don’t fret if you don’t see a Shadows of Oblivion update for a few weeks. I didn’t go anywhere. I just have big plans, and It takes some time to come together! Be patient with me!
Anyways here’s a preview of of issue #2:
And I also wanted to announce to you guys (incase you missed last week’s post) that Shadows of Oblivion: Better Days is now available for digital download at Indy Planet. Its only $1.99 for 40 pages, so thats pretty tough to beat. Just click here to download!
And keep an eye out for details on my Pre-Ordering special. Its a friggin good deal so you better not miss out on it!
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