This is the second worse excuse I’ve ever heard.  First being “I don’t have the right software.”

Why is this this such a terrible excuse?  Because there is no “might”.  You will fail!  Now wait a second, give me a minute to explain before you go jumping out a window.

Just like past posts, I’m assuming that if you’re reading this, its because you’re an aspiring artist or creator who’s looking for the inspiration to pursue your dreams.  That being the case you probably have little to no experience in the comic industry.  And if that is the case I guarantee you’ll fail….. at first.

What you have to keep in mind is that you’re new at this. Everyone, EVERYONE, fails the first time they do ANYTHING.  I really cant emphasize this enough.  Have you ever seen a baby speak perfectly their first attempt?  Or perhaps a baby get up and start walking, and not fall on their first try?  Have you ever seen anyone slam dunk the first time they’ve ever held a basketball, or hit a home run the first time they ever held a baseball bat?  What? You haven’t?  That means everyone’s failed at everything they’ve ever done right?… yet somehow we still have people walking, and talking, and people slam dunking, and hitting home runs… weird…

What I’m getting at here is that failure is not the absence of success. Instead it’s the pathway to success.  Everyone fails the first time they try something.  Most people fail the second time, and third time.  Alot of people fail the second and third HUNDRED times. But those who succeed are those who refuse to accept failure as the final result.  They learn from it, improve upon it, and then try again. Once that fails they learn more, improve more, and try again. Until after dozens to hundreds of failures, they’ve learned enough, and become skilled enough to FINALLY achieve what they’ve been working so hard for. It’s inevitable.

So using the excuse “I might fail,” is a poor excuse. Because you WILL fail.  It can’t stop you though, not if you don’t want it to,  and if you don’t give up success is inevitable. However if you don’t even try success will be impossible.

So go out there and fail, fail until you’ve succeeded at Making comics, not excuses.


Here is a little side note: Todd McFarlane.  Comic artist renowned for his work on Spiderman and Creating the Anti-Hero Spawn applied to Marvel and DC several times before getting his first gig with them.  How many times? over 700!  And now he’s arguably the most successful creator in the industry. Imagine if he accepted failure at rejection number 699….. i shutter at the thought….