HeroesCon 2017 Auction Piece: Part 1 Sketch
HeroesCon 2017 Auction Piece: Part 1 Sketch
Every year HeroesCon holds an auction to raise money for the convention. The money pays for travel expenses for guests as well as keeping prices low for fans.
This year for the auction I did a water color piece of Beta Ray Bill and Throg from the Thor comics and I thought you may be interested to see the process I used to create the art, so here we go!
Part one is the digital sketch. Drawn in Manga Studio 5 EX with a Cintiq tablet, I did a few sketches of the characters. This, in the end, is the composition I settled on. I do my sketches digitally so that I can play with composition and posing without having to use up my materials. It also makes the next stages easier as you’ll see in the coming days.
If you like my comics and art and would like to support it, consider picking something up from my Store Envy shop.
See you tomorrow with my color study!
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