HeroesCon 2017 Auction Piece: Part 2 Color Study

Every year HeroesCon holds an auction to raise money for the convention. The money pays for travel expenses for guests as well as keeping prices low for fans.

This year for the auction I did a water color piece of Beta Ray Bill and Throg from the Thor comics and I thought you may be interested to see the process I used to create the art, so here we go!

Part two is the color study. Now I really like the sketch I did, but I wasn’t quite sure what colors would work. I wasn’t even sure if color WOULD work. This might be a case where black and white is a better choice. On top of that, I haven’t done a watercolor painting in years. Not to mention I’ve never used watercolor pencils before. So what does that all mean? COLOR STUDY! I took my sketch and printed it on a very small piece of watercolor paper, 3 inches by 5 inches. (as well as other sketches I was still on the fence about.) I then tested the coloring to see if I liked how it looked. Short answer: I did. Which means it’s time to start the final piece!

If you like my comics and art and would like to support it, consider picking something up from my Store Envy shop.

See you tomorrow with the final inked art!!