HeroesCon 2017 Auction Piece: Part 3 Inks

Every year HeroesCon holds an auction to raise money for the convention. The money pays for travel expenses for guests as well as keeping prices low for fans.

This year for the auction I did a water color piece of Beta Ray Bill and Throg from the Thor comics and I thought you may be interested to see the process i used to create the art, so here we go!

Part three is all inking. I start off like yesterday and I take my digital sketch and I print it out. But instead of small little cards, I print large on an 11 inch by 17 inch piece of water color paper. 300lb Arches cold press watercolor paper, to be specific. I then use my Windsor Newton series 7 brush (size 1) and India Ink to ink the entire piece. For very large areas of black, I use a large cheap brush. There’s no point in wasting the expensive brushes to spot blacks.

If you like my comics and art and would like to support it, consider picking something up from my Store Envy shop.

Next you’ll get to see the final piece in all of its glory!