Dragoncon 2018 Sketch: Cyclops

The last of my DragonCon sketches was a wildcard. A man handed me his sketchbook and said “Draw whatever you feel like.” I normally hate getting that at a convention, especially when there are so many amazing sketches in the book. I don’t want to ruin it with my stupid sketch.
This sketch book had art by Skottie Young, George Perez, Mike Cho, Adam Hughes, Amanda Conner, Georges Jeanty, Tom Feister, so I was a little intimidated to add my sketch in there. But hopefully My 90’s Cyclops was up to par with the rest.
My next con is Anime Weekend Atlanta in a week. I hope to see some of you there! As always I’ll have my art on sale at the con. So if you want to ensure your favorite piece goes home with you, then check out my Store Envy page now.
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