And what if it is? What if you make something that changes the world?  You have alot more to gain than to lose my friends.  That’s the beautiful thing about creating.  When you create something from nothing, you’re always left with more than what you started with, you can never end up with less.

But I understand the sentiment. It’s nothing more than a lame excuse, but i do understand it. I’ve had my days, my weeks…. my months even when I am working my ass off.  I’ve had barely any sleep, I’m stressed out to all hell, I have no social life, and I haven’t played a good video game in ages, and I think to myself: “is all of this worth it?”  I have friends who have spouses and families, who make great money and work a quarter as much as me. They have time to play video games and go to sports games and hang out with friends.  And I think. “What if all these things I’m sacrificing isn’t worth it?”

But that thought doesn’t stick with me long, because almost immediately after i realize it is worth it.  Because I’m doing something my friends aren’t. I’m creating.  I’m making something from nothing. From my imagination and pure force of will I’m bringing something into this world that hadn’t existed before.  I’m the envy of those who cannot create. And where the fruit of my friends’ labor might result in a spread sheet or a power point presentation, I have a comic book that I created with my own two hands.  There are not many who can say that, so how can counting myself among such a small envied group not be worth it?

Now I know what some of you are thinking at this point:  “Well what if I hate what I created. What if i spent all this time and effort to make something that I ended up hating. Is it still worth it?”


It’s not your place to judge your work.  It’s your job to create it.  Naturally you can be critical of your work, then take your criticisms and improve on it in the next piece you make.  However you cannot be the judge who decides the value of you’re creation.  Something you think is terrible and just sucks might mean the world to someone else.  What if the piece of art you think is terrible ends up changing how everyone thinks about a subject?  There’s no way you’ll know if you press that delete button before anyone reads it.

So yes my friends, it’s worth it.  Even though in our moments of weakness we’ll question it, it is absolutely without a doubt worth it.

So remove your doubts, and make your comics, because excuses have no power here!

If you’re struggling with an excuse, and want me to help you get over it, and get back to making comics leave me a comment! Let me know what it is, and I’ll help you through!

Tomorrow I’ll be posting some cover sketches.  Until then check me out around the web:

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And if you love my artwork don’t forget to pick up my comics!

And remember. Make Comics! Not Excuses!