Okay lets draw some faces!  Before we jump in let me just say that this tutorial is for the general guideline to draw faces.  Every human being is built a little different so even though I’m going to give you a guideline on how you should draw faces, know that these are the average proportions.  As in if you took every human being on the planet and averaged their proportions you’d get something like this.  But individuals will have eyes that might be slightly farther apart. or noses that are longer etc.  So use these as a starting point then exagerate certain features to create you’re own unique looking character.

Also this tutorial is for those of you at the starting level, for those of you who have no idea how to draw a face properly and you’ve just been drawing features haphazardly and hoping for the best.

So lets start:

1. The Head

So i’ve talked about breaking down thing you want to draw into basic shapes in the past. In fact i did it in a 2 minute video in a previous tutorial post.  Before we can draw a face, we need a head to put the face on.  The head can be broken down into two basic shapes:


Basically we have a circle for the skull part of your head. and a square for the face part of the head.  Naturally the square part is where we’re going to put the facial features.  But no one’s head is a perfect square laid onto a perfect circle they all have unique shapes.  So play with variations of these two shapes to get uniquely shaped heads…

Alright! Good!

Now we have a head to put our face on…

2. The Face

The face has very specific proportions.  Even though everyone’s Eyes, nose, and mouth may look differernt, where they are located are all the same.  The biggest mistake I see any new artist make is putting the eyes in the forehead (the upper part of the head.) Believe it or not, the eyes are smack dab in the middle of your head, and the rest of the features follow suit…

Okay so now we know the proportions. Lets apply those to the heads we came up with…


There you go faces!  It should be noted that I just drew whatever first entered my mind for these head shapes, and that really any one of these  head shapes could apply to any gender, age, or ethnicity, its the facial features that will determine how the character is identified (age, gender, race, etc) not so much the head shape.

There’s alot more to learn about faces before you master them.  Such as the anatomy of the specific facial features, like your eyes and mouth. But I’m not going to write a book for just 1 blog post. This will get you drawing unique looking faces with the correct proportions.  So go forth and draw my pupils!

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Come back tomorrow where we’ll talk about… something… i dunno I haven’t decided yet….