Now I get asked alot at what software I use to make my comics. Which is a valid question. There is alot of stuff out there, and people want to know what I use.  Some things are better than others depending on what you want to do with it. Photoshop is great for photo manipulation, and coloring. Sketchbook Pro is great for sketching and general drawing. Corel Painter is great for digital painting. But my weapon of choice is Manga Studio EX4 .  It allows me to do everything from pencil to ink to letter my comic.  I recommend it for people who are serious about making comics.  BUT that is not the point of this post.  This is a No Excuses post.  So what’s the excuse? Well as often as I hear the question “What software do you use?”  I hear the excuse “I can’t make comics because I don’t have the software”  This excuse comes in many variations from “i can’t afford photoshop” to “I don’t know how to use Corel.” to “I don’t own a tablet.”  But for some reason the fact that you don’t have certain software somehow inhibits people from creating comics. And you guessed it, this is just an excuse not to do it.

I have to say, despite all the excuses I’ve heard this is the lamest one.  Comics, how we know them, have been around for a just under 100 years.  Yet programs like photoshop have been around for roughly 15 years.  So, if you can’t make comics without software…. how did we make comics for the 80 some odd years before photoshop?…

Now don’t get me wrong art software coupled with tablets are a fantastic tool to have in your arsenal as an artist.  They make long complicated processes faster, and easier.  Not to mention makes saves money in the long term because you don’t need to replace supplies like paper, pencils and ink.  So I’m not saying one bad thing about the use of digital tools to make comics and art in general.  (Since 75% of my process is digital, that would make me a hypocrite.)  However, when push comes to shove, these digital programs are nothing more than digital simulations of what is done in real life.  It simulates paint. It simulates pencils and pens. It simulates photo filters, and photography tools.  They’re all simulations of real life, analog processes.

So what does that mean?

Well, because its a simulation of a real life analog process, that means you can achieve the exact same thing without a computer, with physical tools you hold in your hand.  AKA with paper, pencil, pens, rulers, paint etc.  If you can do it in photoshop, you can do it in real life.  So if software is the only thing that is holding you back from making comics, i have GREAT NEWS!  You can start on your comic today!  Pick up a pencil, grab a piece of paper and start drawing!!

On a related note, I want to address a misconception alot of people have about art software. (Well artists don’t have this misconception, but newbies, and/or outsiders do.)  Art software does not MAKE artwork.  Just because it is on the computer doesn’t mean the computer “makes the art.”  Despite the illusion advanced technology gives, your computer lacks a soul and a free thinking mind and cannot create a piece of artwork from scratch totally on its own.  The computer is a tool same as a paintbrush, and cannot create art on its own any more than a tube of paint can.  The art that it can create is limited to the knowledge and skill of the artist using it.  So basically what I’m saying is that if you read the above blog and said to yourself, “Yeah but I don’t know how to use any of the analog tools, thats why I  need photoshop.”  You’re in trouble.  Because not only will the computer not make your art for you, it also lacks the ability to make your artwork GOOD.  You need to study things like color theory, perspective, anatomy, composition, story telling.  Once you can do all of this well, THEN your software will be able to aid you in making fantastic comics.

So lets sum it up real quick why don’t we?  The computer software is fantastic but is nothing more than a digital simulation of analog tools. So you don’t need software to make comics at all, In fact computers had nothing to do with comic creation for about 80 years.  And even if you have the software, it won’t make the comics for you, or even just make your comics good. You still need to know about things such as color theory, perspective, anatomy, and story telling to make your comics.

So “I don’t have the right software” is just a lame excuse, because its not even needed.  So top making excuses, grab a pencil and paper, and start making comics!


