New page is up! So Gear blindly jumped off that structure at Leviathan. We need a new phrase cause “total bad ass” is too weak here. Gear Is amazing. We’re so close to our next Patreon goal! We need about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Better Days
New page is up! What I like about this page and the one before is how it depicts WarAngel and Gear being nearly identical (in their own individual ways) but though the biased lens of Josephine it’s cool when WarAngel does[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Cerberus has clearly been taking some lessons from Nekoshi. Why didn’t she come on this mission? Is it because I hadn’t created the character yet? probably… New pages every Wednesday at and Webtoons. If you’re enjoying the comic, consider becoming a patron. I have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The cover to Shadows of Oblivion: Better Days Would you like to own a physical copy of this comic? Great News! Would you like a digital copy of this comic? Also great news! Comixology & Drive Thru Comics New pages every Wednesday at and Webtoons. If[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
New page is up! Cerberus and Gear are here to save the day! If you’d like more comic updates, more often, consider becoming a patron. Just $1 a month on patreon ensures constant and consistent updates. (more frequent updates too if we[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Are you in or near Macon, GA this weekend? Yes? Well come visit me at MGA Con! I’ll be part of a “Making Comics” panel that Saturday at 10:30am. Also I’ll have copies of Shadows of Oblivion: Better days[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Happy New Comic Day! Last week I was here to tell you about Shadows of Oblivion: Better Days on ComiXology but today is for all those old school comic collectors that love alternative covers. It has the same interior as the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shadows of Oblivion: Better Days Cover by: Julia Senecal Written by: Shawn McCauley Art by: Brooke Clayton, Shawn McCauley, Julia Senecal Price: $2.99 Taking place during the “better days” of the clan, years before the events of Issue Zero tore everything apart. Back when there were[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Great news for ComiXology users! Shadows of Oblivion: Better Days will be debuting on the number 1 digital comics app this Wednesday February 26th. I’ll post a link when it’s live. But for now wait in eager anticipation!! Oh, well I guess[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…