HeroesCon 2014: Belle 5.5 x 8 inches Brush pens and copics in a sketchbook ___ The last commission from the convention was one of the coolest things I’ve seen. It was a sketch book of fairy tale characters. There were some wonderful sketches in there[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged HeroesCon 2014
HeroesCon 2014: First Knight 9 x 12 inches Brush pens and copics on Bristol Board ___ This is the the only original character commission of the con. As he was described to me: “He is the first and original knight, that founded[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
HeroesCon 2014: Black Cat Black Cat 12 x 9 inches Brush pens and copics on Bristol Board ___ Another Black Cat sketch from HeroesCon. Not a whole lot to say about this one other than it might be my favorite[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
HeroesCon 2014: Red Sonja Red Sonja 9 x 12 inches Brush pens and copics on Bristol Board ___ If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I absolutely hate the “Metal Bikini” type of armor. Why would you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
HeroesCon 2014: Ms. Marvel Ms. Marvel original costume. 6.5 x 10 inches Brush pens and copics on Avenger’s Sketch Cover ___ Carol honey… what is this costume? I know it was the 70’s but… oye… I guess I don’t have room[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
HeroesCon 2014: White Lantern Mikasa Mikasa as a White Lantern 9 x 12 inches Ink brush and copics on bristol board ___ Happy American Independence day! Attack on Titan. Mikasa. Wings of Freedom. ’nuff said…. …okay I have more to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
HeroesCon 2014: Black Cat Symbiote Black Cat Symbiote 9 x 12 inches Ink brush and copics on bristol board ___ This piece was an interesting request. Black Cat there is being taken over by the Venom Symbiote. Maybe “taken over”[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
HeroesCon 2014: GI Joe Duke Duke 9 x 12 inches Ink brush and copics on bristol board ___ YO JOE!!! I don’t know about any of you but I watched the crap out of GI Joe as a kid… I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Dragon’s Crown 12 x 9 inches Ink brush and copics on bristol board ___ Dragon’s Crown is probably my favorite video game of recent memory. It’s everything I love about fantasy + beat ’em up games. So when Jeff Harjo asked me[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…