HAPPY NEW COMIC BOOK DAY! Dalrak the Mighty #1 is available now on ComiXology! Written by Seth Talley Illustrated by Shawn McCauley (that’s me) Remastered and Colored! Dalrak finds a sword, rescues a person or two, and has a few fights.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Make Comics not excuses
DALRAK THE MIGHTY #1 page 2 Written by Seth Talley Illustrated by Shawn McCauley (that’s me) We don’t know where they crashed, but we know it’s cold. Dalrak needs to find somewhere to keep warm! Buy issue #1 Did you know[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
DALRAK THE MIGHTY #1 page 1 Written by Seth Talley Illustrated by Shawn McCauley (that’s me) Dalrak, despite his high pitched squealing from the cover, has survived… Buy issue #1 Did you know Dalrak the Mighty was originally created, written[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
SHEENA: Queen of the Jungle #3 hits shelves on Wednesday August 13! To get you pumped up for the new issue I want to share a few of my drawings from issue #2. Today I’m sharing page 17. I never had to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
SHEENA: Queen of the Jungle #3 hits shelves this coming Wednesday August 13! To get you pumped up for the new issue I want to share a few of my drawings from issue #2. Today is page 14: When you come onto[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
SHEENA: Queen of the Jungle #3 hits shelves this coming Wednesday August 13! To get you psyched for the new issue enjoy the page 4 line art I drew for issue #2 You can probably still get issue #1 and #2 at[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Did you miss my panel at Animazement this year? Good news I recorded it! Check it out, learn the comic process, and find out how many “um”s I say when I get flustered by public speaking!
ANIMAZEMENT 2014 is coming next week! Visit me in artist alley table I-06 I’ll have creator owned comics, prints, and I’ll be doing commissions. I’ll also be debuting my Shadows of Oblivion: Sketchcover Collection at the con. I’ve collected over 240 sketches and put them[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
While you’re at your local comic book store picking up this weeks comics, you should put in your order for SHEENA: QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE due out in March!! That’s Right! It’s official: SHEENA: QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE #01 will be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So when people come to me and say “Oh I can’t do what you do. I’m not talented enough.” they’re usually using the definition of talent that means “a special natural ability or aptitude.” Basically they’re telling me they weren’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…