If you guys wanted to download Shadows of Oblivion #0 and get 30% off go here: Then use this code: FEBRUARYCART305USD Its only good through the 19th of February, so don’t delay!
Posts Tagged Shadows of oblivion
Here are more sketches from Shadows of Oblivion: Better days. I’m trying to get all of these posted before Issue #1 comes out and I start posting sketches from that series. ENJOY!
Well If you’re not a professional comic book artist, chances are you’re right. As logically if you were good enough you’d be a professional… and so it goes in circles. But the fact of the matter is that if your[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So I was checking out Indy Planet Digital and I saw this: I thought it was pretty cool. I’ve never been part of a head banner of a website before. At least not a website that wasn’t my own. […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One more day of sketches… I hope… ENJOY!!! Catch all of you here tomorow for page 25 of Shadows of Oblivion #1!
Are you sick of looking at my art yet? I hope not! I’m an artist, you’re going to see alot of that here! Here are more cover sketches from Shadows of Oblivion: Better Days I hope you like them! […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
More Sketches! Enjoy them! ENJOY THEM!!! More sketches come tomorrow! See you then!!
Like I said on Tuesday, for about one more week I’ll be very busy with getting ready for my move, so you’re stuck with a barrage of sketches I’ve done. But since most of you are here for my art[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m sorry guys. I know alot of you enjoy it when I talk about my art process, or my favorite comics or whatever, but it’ll be hard for a little bit longer. I’ll get into more detail when i can,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I hope everyone’s enjoyed this week of sketches lets finish it off with some good ones! I might continue these sketches week… I’m not exactly sure, but what I DO know for sure is that tomorrow you’ll see page 23[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…