Well on the heals of Thursday’s No Excuses blog post I figured I’d do a tutorial on practicing.
Now I know what your’e thinking right now: “How do you do a tutorial on practice?”
Well I can’t, not really anyways. Practicing is just applying the principals you’ve learned over and over and over again until you get it down pat. So if i showed a video of me drawing the same things over and over again over the course of 5 years, it’d be a very very long and boring tutorial.
So instead I’m going to fast forward through my years of practicing so you can see the results of it.
How am I going to do this? Well not many of you know that my comic Shadows of Oblivion started as a comic i did for my illustration senior project back in college. The story that exists today is very similar to the story I wrote back in 2005. But with what I’ve learned in story telling combined with my near non stop practicing of drawing over the corse of 6 years yielded very different results. So I’m going to post 4 pages from my comic, paired with the original inception of the page from back in college. You’ll notice the similarities in both panel layouts and compositions. You’ll notice however the incredible difference in quality. And i offer this as the tutorial of what practice will yield you! Enjoy!
What a difference practice makes!!
So never believe that you’re not good enough. Just believe you need to practice more. Its slow and takes years of dedication and hard work to notice any real improvement. But it happens, and its inevitable and unstoppable. So don’t make excuses. Practice. Then Make Comics!!
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